Good Friday

a depiction of Jesus hanging on a cross for Good Friday

Good Friday is a significant Christian holiday observed on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday.

This day marks the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is a day of mourning and reflection for Christians all over the world.

The holiday is observed in various ways, including attending church services, fasting, and engaging in acts of charity. In this article, we will delve into the history and significance of Good Friday, its observances, and how people celebrate it around the world.

When is Good Friday?

The dates of Easter for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025 are as follows:

  • Easter 2023: April 16, 2023
  • Easter 2024: April 7, 2024
  • Easter 2025: April 20, 2025

It is worth noting that the date of Easter is determined by a complex set of calculations that take into account both astronomical and religious factors. Specifically, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs on or after the vernal equinox (March 20-21). This means that the date of Easter can vary from year to year, but it always falls between March 22 and April 25.

The History of Good Friday

Good Friday dates back to the early days of Christianity when the death of Jesus Christ was seen as a pivotal moment in the history of the world. According to the Bible, Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death by crucifixion under the Roman Empire’s authority. It is believed that he was crucified at Calvary, a hill outside Jerusalem, and died after suffering on the cross for six hours.

The crucifixion of Jesus is regarded as the ultimate sacrifice that paved the way for salvation and eternal life for believers. It is believed that he died for the sins of humanity, and his death and resurrection marked the beginning of a new era for humanity.

What scripture passages tell about Good Friday?

The story of Good Friday is told in several passages in the Christian Bible, particularly in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Here are some of the key scripture passages that recount the events of Good Friday:

  1. The Arrest of Jesus (Matthew 26:47-56, Mark 14:43-52, Luke 22:47-53, John 18:1-11) These passages describe the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, where he had gone to pray with his disciples. He is betrayed by Judas Iscariot and taken into custody by the authorities.
  2. The Trials of Jesus (Matthew 26:57-68, Mark 14:53-65, Luke 22:63-71, John 18:12-27) These passages describe the various trials of Jesus before the Jewish leaders and the Roman governor Pontius Pilate. He is accused of blasphemy and sedition, and ultimately sentenced to death by crucifixion.
  3. The Crucifixion of Jesus (Matthew 27:32-56, Mark 15:21-41, Luke 23:26-49, John 19:17-30) These passages describe the crucifixion of Jesus, who is forced to carry his own cross to the place of execution. He is mocked and abused by the soldiers and the crowds, and ultimately dies on the cross.
  4. The Burial of Jesus (Matthew 27:57-66, Mark 15:42-47, Luke 23:50-56, John 19:38-42) These passages describe the burial of Jesus in a tomb, which is sealed with a large stone.

These scripture passages are read and reflected upon by Christians around the world on Good Friday, as they remember the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross and the significance of his death for their faith.

Who are the main people in the story of Jesus’ CRUCIFIXION?

The story of Jesus’ crucifixion involves several key figures, each of whom plays a significant role in the events leading up to his death. Here are some of the main people in the story of Jesus’ crucifixion:


Of course, the central figure in the story is Jesus himself. He is the one who is arrested, tried, and ultimately crucified for his teachings and his claims of being the Son of God.

Judas Iscariot:

Judas was one of Jesus’ disciples, but he betrayed Jesus to the authorities by identifying him to the religious leaders for thirty pieces of silver. His act of betrayal is seen as a significant factor in Jesus’ arrest and eventual crucifixion.

Pontius Pilate:

Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea at the time of Jesus’ trial and execution. He is the one who ultimately condemns Jesus to death, despite finding no fault with him.

The religious leaders:

The Jewish high priests and elders were threatened by Jesus’ teachings and popularity, and they played a significant role in his arrest and trial. They were the ones who brought Jesus before Pilate and demanded his execution.

The soldiers:

Roman soldiers were responsible for carrying out Jesus’ execution by nailing him to the cross and overseeing his death. They also cast lots for Jesus’ clothing after he died.

Mary, the mother of Jesus:

Mary was present at Jesus’ crucifixion, along with several other women who were followers of Jesus. She is often depicted in art and literature as mourning her son’s death and standing by him in his final moments.

Simon of Cyrene:

According to the Gospels, Simon was a bystander who was compelled by the soldiers to help carry Jesus’ cross to the site of his crucifixion.

Joseph of Arimathea

Joseph was a figure in the Bible who is most notably known for his role in the burial of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion.

After Jesus was crucified and died, his body was taken down from the cross and placed in a tomb. It was Joseph of Arimathea who went to Pilate, the Roman governor, and asked for permission to bury Jesus. Pilate granted Joseph’s request, and Joseph and another man named Nicodemus prepared Jesus’ body for burial by wrapping it in linen and spices.

Joseph of Arimathea then placed Jesus’ body in his own new tomb, which had been carved out of rock, and rolled a large stone across the entrance to seal it. This act of kindness and devotion to Jesus is seen as significant by Christians, as it demonstrates the depth of Joseph’s faith and his willingness to risk his own status and reputation in order to show honor to Jesus.

These are just a few of the main people who are involved in the story of Jesus’ crucifixion. Their actions and decisions all played a role in the events that led to Jesus’ death, and their stories continue to be remembered and reflected on by Christians around the world.

How many people in the world observe Good Friday?

It is difficult to determine exactly how many people in the world observe Good Friday, as there are many different Christian denominations and other religious groups that may recognize the day in some form.

However, it is estimated that there are over 2 billion Christians worldwide, many of whom observe Good Friday as a solemn and important religious holiday.

Good Friday is particularly significant in countries with large Christian populations, such as the United States, Brazil, Mexico, the Philippines, and many countries in Europe.

What Countries is Good Friday recognized as a national holiday?

Good Friday is recognized as a national holiday in many countries around the world, particularly those with large Christian populations. Here is a list of some of the countries where Good Friday is observed as a public holiday:

  1. Australia
  2. Brazil
  3. Canada
  4. Colombia
  5. Costa Rica
  6. Cyprus
  7. Denmark
  8. Finland
  9. Germany
  10. Greece
  11. Iceland
  12. Ireland
  13. Italy
  14. Malta
  15. Mexico
  16. New Zealand
  17. Norway
  18. Philippines
  19. Portugal
  20. Singapore
  21. Spain
  22. Sweden
  23. Switzerland
  24. United Kingdom
  25. United States

It is worth noting that the specific date and manner of observance of Good Friday may vary from country to country, depending on local customs and traditions. In some countries, for example, Good Friday may be observed as a solemn day of fasting and prayer, while in others it may be a more festive occasion marked by processions, parades, and other celebrations.

Regardless of the cultural context, however, Good Friday remains an important religious holiday for Christians around the world, and is observed with reverence and respect in many different countries and cultures.

Do Other faiths observe Good Friday?

While Good Friday is primarily a Christian observance, it is also recognized as a religious holiday in some other faiths.

For example, in the Eastern Orthodox Church, Good Friday is known as “Great Friday” and is observed with a similar degree of solemnity and reverence as in the Western Christian tradition. Similarly, in the Armenian Apostolic Church, Good Friday is known as “Great Friday of the Crucifixion” and is an important day of fasting, prayer, and reflection.

Isn’t the Eastern Orthodox Church Christian?

The Eastern Orthodox Church is a Christian denomination but it is separate from the Western (or Roman) Catholic Church and the various Protestant denominations.

The Eastern Orthodox Church traces its roots back to the early days of Christianity, and is one of the oldest Christian traditions in the world. It developed in the eastern part of the Roman Empire, and was heavily influenced by Greek and Byzantine culture and thought.

The Eastern Orthodox Church shares many beliefs and practices with other Christian denominations, such as the belief in the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the importance of prayer and worship.

However, there are also some key differences between the Eastern Orthodox Church and other Christian traditions, such as the use of icons in worship, the emphasis on theosis (the process of becoming more like God), and the role of the bishop as the highest authority in the Church.

Overall, the Eastern Orthodox Church is a Christian denomination that is distinct from other Christian traditions, but shares many of the same foundational beliefs and practices.

In addition, some other religious traditions, such as Judaism and Islam, have their own observances that are related to Good Friday. For example, in the Jewish tradition, the holiday of Passover often falls around the same time as Good Friday, and both holidays are related to themes of sacrifice and redemption.

Overall, while Good Friday is primarily observed as a Christian holiday, it is recognized and honored in some form by other faiths as well, highlighting its significance and importance as a day of reflection and religious observance.

What are some other names for Good Friday?

Good Friday is also known by several other names, depending on the country and the Christian tradition in question. Here are some examples:

  1. Holy Friday
  2. Great Friday
  3. Black Friday
  4. Silent Friday
  5. Easter Friday
  6. Sorrowful Friday
  7. High Friday
  8. Long Friday
  9. Friday of Mourning
  10. Friday of the Lord’s Passion
  11. Paschal Friday
  12. Paraskevi (Greek for “preparation”)

These different names reflect the solemn and reflective nature of the day, as well as its significance within the larger Easter season. While the specific name used may vary depending on the cultural and religious context, the observance of Good Friday remains an important part of Christian tradition and worship around the world.

Observances of Good Friday

Good Friday is a solemn day of mourning for Christians worldwide. Churches around the world hold solemn services, and many people engage in fasting and prayer. Some people choose to wear black or dark clothing as a sign of mourning. Many churches also observe the Stations of the Cross, which involves meditating on the fourteen events that occurred during Jesus’ crucifixion.

In some parts of the world, people participate in reenactments of the crucifixion, which can be quite graphic and emotional. In the Philippines, for example, some devotees reenact the crucifixion by having themselves nailed to crosses or whipping themselves as an act of penance.

Many Christians also choose to abstain from meat on Good Friday and opt for fish or vegetarian meals instead. This is a symbolic gesture meant to acknowledge the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross.

Worship Services

Good Friday is one of the most significant days in the Christian calendar, and as such, many churches hold special services to commemorate the day. Here are three of the largest and most well-known Good Friday services:

The Way of the Cross:

This service, also known as the Stations of the Cross, is a traditional Good Friday observance that traces the path that Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion. The service typically involves a series of readings and prayers, each one corresponding to a different station along the way, such as Jesus’ condemnation, his carrying of the cross, and his death on the cross. Many churches also incorporate hymns and other musical elements into the service, creating a solemn and reflective atmosphere.

The Three Hours’ Agony:

This service is held from noon to 3:00 p.m. on Good Friday, which is traditionally believed to be the time that Jesus was crucified. The service is meant to be a period of solemn reflection and meditation on the suffering and death of Jesus, and typically includes readings, prayers, and music that help to create a contemplative atmosphere. Some churches also incorporate periods of silence or moments of prayerful reflection during the service.

The Good Friday Liturgy:

This service, which is held in many Anglican, Catholic, and Orthodox churches, is a highly structured liturgy that commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus. The service typically includes the reading of the Passion narrative, the veneration of the cross, and the distribution of Communion. Many churches also incorporate hymns, chants, and other musical elements into the service, creating a solemn and reverent atmosphere.

These three services are just a few examples of the many different ways that churches around the world observe Good Friday. Whether through traditional liturgies, solemn meditations, or other forms of worship, Good Friday serves as an important reminder of the sacrifice and suffering of Jesus Christ, and the hope and redemption that his death and resurrection provide.

10 ideas For observing this holy day

  1. Attend a Good Friday Service: Attend a service at a local church to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and reflect on the meaning of the day.
  2. Read the Bible: Read the accounts of the crucifixion in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to gain a deeper understanding of the significance of Good Friday.
  3. Fast: Fast or abstain from certain foods or activities to show solidarity with Jesus and focus on the spiritual significance of the day.
  4. Participate in a Procession: Join a procession carrying a wooden cross through the streets to remember the suffering of Jesus and to bear witness to your faith.
  5. Watch a Passion Play: Attend a Passion Play, a dramatic retelling of the events of the crucifixion, to gain a deeper understanding of the significance of the day.
  6. Spend Time in Reflection: Spend time in quiet contemplation and reflection, meditating on the message of the crucifixion and its meaning for your own life.
  7. Volunteer: Volunteer at a local charity or organization that serves those in need to honor the sacrifice of Jesus and show love and compassion to others.
  8. Make a Donation: Make a donation to a charity or organization that supports those in need to demonstrate your commitment to serving others and living out the message of Good Friday.
  9. Create Art: Create art that reflects your understanding of the message of Good Friday and share it with others to inspire and uplift them.
  10. Spend Time with Family: Spend time with your family, sharing stories and traditions, to deepen your connections with one another and to reflect on the significance of the day.

Ways to honor this day

Despite being a day of mourning, Good Friday is also a time for reflection, contemplation, and spiritual renewal for many Christians. Some people choose to spend the day in quiet contemplation, while others may attend church services and participate in communal prayer and reflection.

In some cultures, Good Friday is also a time for family gatherings and festive meals. In many parts of the world, hot cross buns, a type of spiced bread, are a traditional Good Friday food. The buns are marked with a cross, symbolizing the crucifixion, and are often eaten toasted with butter.

Why eat fish on Good Friday?

Eating fish on Good Friday is a tradition observed by many Christians, particularly those in the Catholic and Orthodox faiths. The tradition dates back to early Christianity, when the Church declared that its followers should abstain from eating meat on Fridays, as a form of sacrifice and penance in honor of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion on that day.

Fish, however, was not considered meat by the Church, as it was seen as a food that was less indulgent than other types of meat. It was also a common food source for people who lived near the sea, so it became a natural choice for Christians who wanted to follow the rules of abstinence but still wanted to eat a satisfying meal on Fridays.

In addition to its symbolic significance, fish is also a healthy and nutritious food that is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. This makes it a great choice for those who are observing the tradition of abstaining from meat on Good Friday, as it provides a satisfying and healthy alternative.

Overall, the tradition of eating fish on Good Friday has become an important part of the religious observances for many Christians around the world, as it symbolizes sacrifice, penance, and the importance of honoring the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on this holy day.

10 dishes to make for Dinner

  1. Hot Cross Buns: A traditional Good Friday dish, these sweet buns are usually spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice, and are studded with currants or raisins.
  2. Fish Tacos: A light and healthy dish made with grilled or fried fish, served in a warm tortilla with fresh salsa and avocado.
  3. Seafood Chowder: A creamy and comforting soup made with seafood such as shrimp, clams, and fish, and seasoned with herbs and spices.
  4. Grilled Salmon: A simple and delicious dish that can be seasoned with lemon, dill, and garlic, and served with a side of roasted vegetables.
  5. Shrimp Scampi: A classic Italian dish made with shrimp, garlic, lemon, and white wine, served over a bed of pasta or with crusty bread.
  6. Vegetable Curry: A hearty and flavorful vegetarian dish made with a variety of vegetables, such as eggplant, cauliflower, and potatoes, in a rich and creamy sauce.
  7. Black Bean Soup: A hearty and filling soup made with black beans, tomatoes, onions, and a variety of spices, such as cumin and chili powder.
  8. Baked Cod: A simple and healthy dish made with fresh cod, seasoned with lemon, garlic, and herbs, and baked in the oven.
  9. Crab Cakes: A decadent dish made with fresh crab meat, bread crumbs, and spices, served with a side of tartar sauce or lemon wedges.
  10. Roasted Vegetable Tart: A beautiful and flavorful dish made with roasted vegetables such as tomatoes, zucchini, and eggplant, layered on a bed of pastry and baked to perfection.

How does Good Friday apply to our modern lives?

Good Friday is a significant day in the Christian calendar, commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. While the events of Good Friday occurred over two thousand years ago, the meaning and message of this day still hold relevance and importance for people in the modern world. Here are some ways in which the observance of Good Friday can apply to our modern lives:

  1. Reflection on Sacrifice: Good Friday invites us to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity by willingly giving up his life on the cross. This can serve as a reminder of the importance of selflessness and putting the needs of others before our own.
  2. Gratitude and Humility: Good Friday can also inspire feelings of gratitude and humility, as we recognize the tremendous gift that Jesus gave to us through his death and resurrection. This can encourage us to be more grateful for the blessings in our own lives and to approach others with a spirit of humility and service.
  3. Forgiveness: Good Friday teaches us about the power of forgiveness, as Jesus himself forgave those who persecuted him even as he was dying on the cross. This can inspire us to practice forgiveness in our own lives, letting go of grudges and resentments and extending grace and compassion to those who have wronged us.
  4. Hope and Resilience: While Good Friday marks a dark and solemn moment in Christian history, it is also a reminder of the hope and resilience that can arise even in the midst of suffering and tragedy. The story of Jesus’ death and resurrection can inspire us to have faith in the face of adversity and to believe in the possibility of new beginnings and fresh starts.
  5. Community and Service: Good Friday can also serve as a call to action, inspiring us to serve our communities and to care for those who are suffering or in need. This can take the form of volunteering, charitable giving, or simply reaching out to support and encourage others who may be struggling.

In summary, while the events of Good Friday may have taken place long ago, the lessons and messages of this day remain relevant and applicable to our modern lives. By reflecting on the sacrifice, forgiveness, and hope embodied in the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we can find inspiration and guidance for how to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

Good Friday is an essential day for Christians worldwide, and its observances vary greatly depending on culture and tradition. Whether through solemn reflection, communal prayer, or festive meals, people from all over the world come together on this day to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross.

As we continue to celebrate Good Friday year after year, it serves as a reminder of the power of faith, sacrifice, and redemption that have shaped human history for centuries.

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